Of the energy of creator and curator Finding outside wealth is facilitated by inner richness.

Of the energy of creator and curator Finding outside wealth is facilitated by inner richness.

An elderly woman bemoaned to her guru that her sight was failing and she was unable to appreciate the beauty of the world. The guru cleared the dust from the window panes, allowing her to see outdoors. Then he said, "You could not see the world of beauty because you allowed your window glass to be dirty."

We frequently cause internal turmoil because we are unsure of which energy kind drives us more—creator or curator. Once we are aware of the differences between the two terms, we may properly position ourselves to succeed. Knowing our energy-operating area is necessary to strike a balance between our achievements and objectives.

A new knowledge system's creator is referred to as its creator. The creator's energy will only be possessed by a select few. With the information at hand, they can offer fresher definitions, interpretations, and discoveries, as well as the potential for creation. They can take a common knowledge system and turn it into uncommon wisdom. Conversely, the group of curators is the ones who share the information. They participate in the system of knowledge management.

It is necessary to actualize the potential energy that exists. I was witnessing a show at Niagara Falls when a sea lion was doing all kinds of antics. That potential would have lain dormant if left to its own devices. However, after training, it was capable of far more than just its purported feature. We must identify our primary strengths and work to maximize them since we have potential. It is necessary to continuously innovate this performance potential.

"The current generation must reflect and align themselves appropriately. When someone with curatorial energy attempts to live in the role of a creator, they frequently cause problems both inside and outside of their own sphere. In a similar vein, those with creator energy who fill the curator position only produce agitation, worry, and rage.

Everyone needs to be aware of their core values and goals, regardless of whether our evaluation system is robust enough to select the best candidates for open positions. It would be smarter to focus on developing one's talents rather than attempting to function in multiple areas. We frequently make the mistake of assuming that a talented carpenter may also be a talented sculptor. From an ignorant observer's perspective, their work would seem identical save for the variations in the basic materials they employ. But the knowledge and abilities needed to work with stone are different from those needed to work with wood. Can we keep putting science's historical development ahead of its useful applications? To function at their best, each person should identify their own specialization. We should concentrate on developing our own potential rather than allowing our confidence to make us blind to the performances of others.

We are in possession of more than we realize. Realizing our limitless resources enables us to have a higher quality of life. Finding outside wealth is facilitated by inner richness. Always train your mind to focus on the positive experiences in your life. Assume accountability for mastering this skill. Contented recollections ought to resemble fine furnishings within your home.

Swap the mental formula of dwelling on unpleasant events for contemplating joyful ones. After that, you'll discover that life is joyful.