In a significant development, the Bihar Police have detained four individuals in connection with the brutal murder of Jitan Sahni, the father of Vikassheel Insaan Party (VIP) president Mukesh Sahni. The Darbhanga District Police confirmed the detentions, revealing that a thorough forensic investigation and call detail record analysis are in progress.
The heinous crime occurred on July 16 when Jitan Sahni was attacked with a sharp weapon at his ancestral home in Darbhanga. CCTV footage from the night before shows four individuals entering Sahni's residence around 10:30 PM and leaving after a short stay. This footage has been pivotal in the ongoing investigation.
Preliminary findings indicate that two of the detained individuals had borrowed money from Sahni and were involved in a heated argument with him two days before his murder. One suspect had even mortgaged his motorcycle for a loan. The police are exploring various angles, with a Special Investigation Team (SIT) dedicated to uncovering the truth.
The forensic team is meticulously examining all evidence collected from the crime scene. Efforts to recover the murder weapon are ongoing, as investigators piece together the motive and circumstances surrounding the murder. Villagers are also being questioned to gather more information about the suspects and their reasons for visiting Sahni's house on the fateful night.
The police statement underscores the complexity of the case, hinting at financial disputes as a potential motive. The investigation continues to evolve as authorities strive to deliver justice for Jitan Sahni.