As the Jharkhand Assembly elections approach, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has crafted a master plan to target the Hemant Soren government. The party is set to organize a "Yuva Akrosh Rally" in the state capital, Ranchi, on August 23, focusing on issues like youth unemployment, corruption in competitive exams, and flaws in the educational system.
The BJP, through its youth wing, Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha (BJYM), plans to launch protests across various blocks and districts in the state, culminating in a major rally in Ranchi. On Saturday, the BJYM's state working committee convened a large conference in Ranchi to finalize the protest strategy. The event was attended by senior leaders, including Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma, Jharkhand BJP President Babulal Marandi, and Leader of Opposition Amar Kumar Bauri.
In his address, Assam CM Himanta Biswa Sarma criticized the Hemant Soren government, accusing it of failing the state's youth. He pointed out that before the 2019 elections, Soren had promised to provide jobs to five lakh youth in the first year of his government, a promise that remains unfulfilled. Sarma emphasized that the disillusioned youth are now eager to oust the Soren government in the upcoming assembly elections.
Babulal Marandi, the state BJP president, accused the Soren government of selling jobs meant for poor and tribal youth, leaking exam papers for large sums of money, and allowing outsiders to occupy seats meant for Jharkhand's youth. He asserted that the youth, having lost faith in the government, are ready to rally against it.
With the upcoming "Yuva Akrosh Rally," the BJP is intensifying its campaign against the Hemant Soren government, highlighting critical issues affecting the state's youth. The rally is poised to be a significant event in the run-up to the Jharkhand Assembly elections.